Monday, September 15, 2014

Washi Tape Sofa

I've really, really been trying to let Ellie just explore art lately. I put out the craft supplies -- paints, crayons, stickers, whatever we have laying around, and I let her just create. Anything she wants. No interference or guidance from me.

Yesterday, she decided to make a "sculpture" out of Washi tape. On the sofa. It was less about having a final product and more about the zen art of sticking tape on stuff. I can relate.

I loved watching her just focus on this activity, use her fine-motor skills, and discover how the tape worked, how to unstick it from her little fingers. It was adorable. And, even better was when she said, "Mama, please be careful with my sculpture. It's fragile." Melt my heart!

We all have a need to express ourselves and, in our house, even if that means sticking tape on every available surface, that is a-OK.

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